Start eating healthy with these healthy cookies recipes

Eating healthy is a matter of habit which we should follow on a daily basis. Switching from yummy junk food to boring healthy food can be a tough choice. But what if the fun and yummy factor is brought in to healthy food? There are loads of easy healthy Indian snacks recipes that can help us easily to make a smooth changeover.

Let us take the cookies to start with. We all love cookies, does not matter which age we belong to. Nothing can be better than starting our day with chocolatey yummy cookies. But cookies also pack in loads of calorie hills and fats which might play with our health! It is natural for us to want to do the best we can for a healthy and strong life and that is the reason why eating healthy snacks in between meals can pose to be the best decision ever.

If you are planning to switch to healthy snack options and don’t wish to be lured by the cookie counters in the malls, you can always make your own lot of yummy cookies with the help of make quick and easy butter cookies recipes.

But butter is also known to pack in health hazards, right? So make use of those cholesterol and fat free butter the next time you visit the grocery store. Margarine or low cholesterol butter instead of the usual one that you used to buy before will do the trick for you.

While egg is an essential component for healthy cookies there are loads of options if you are vegan. There is no need for you to be sad because you will definitely find a wide array of butter cookies recipe without egg at your disposal. You can easily opt for the one that looks easy to you and start with your healthy cookie baking.

So there is no question of waiting anymore now! Start with baking with those healthy cookies recipes - be assured of the health benefits that they will load in to your daily snacks without compromising on the taste.

Shivani Shetty is a reputed nutritionist who offers valuable suggestions on healthy snacks and diet plans.
