Did you know that Omega 3 fatty acids are actually vital components of our body’s cell
membranes and are a polyunsaturated fat family? Omega 3 come in three
varieties, namely docosahexaenoic acid or DHA, alpha-linolenic acid or ALA and
eicosapentaenoic acid or EPA. These have a major role to play with regard to
cell receptor functions in membranes. Additionally, they also provide the
foundation for the creation of hormones which help in the regulation of
relaxation & contraction of artery walls, blood clotting and inflammation.
popular foods high in omega 3 include
the likes of cod liver oil, salmon, mackerel, walnuts, flaxseeds, chia seeds,
hemp seeds, herring, white fish, tuna, anchovies, sardines, egg yolk and natto
among others. Some of the other natural sources include Brazil nuts, butternuts,
hemp seeds, cashews and hazelnuts. ALA can be predominantly found in green and
leafy vegetables. Key ones to be contained in your diet include kale, Brussels
sprouts, watercress and spinach. It is also interesting to note that lots of
oils (such as mustard oil, walnut oil and hemp oil) also contain omega 3s,
usually in the form of ALAs.
Omega 3 fatty acids benefits include a direct
association with reduced risk of muscular degeneration. The health benefits of
Omega 3s have thus been seen to lower overall chances of heart disease and
strokes. Foods containing Omega 3 fatty acids have also impacted overall body
systems positively. Veg
omega 3 can lower blood triglycerides significantly, reduce the
risks of colon, prostrate, and breast cancer, helps in getting rid of excess
fat from the liver, help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, reduce
inflammation and symptoms of various autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid
has also been linked closely with combating depression and enhancing overall
learning abilities and powers of concentration. It can also boost overall
immunity. Studies have also indicated that Omega 3 fatty acids may work wonders
with regard to the treatment of digestive issues such as ulcerative colitis
while lowering cancer risks at the same time. Experts are of the opinion that
there is no specific recommended daily intake for these essential fatty acids. 250-500
mg of DHA and EPA combined is the portion recommended by the European Food
Safety Authority and WHO.
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